Marshall Hubsher’s Tips for Starting Playing Tennis at an Older Age

A Retired Psychiatrist Shares his Love for Tennis and How to Start Playing at an Older Age

Marshall Hubsher is not only a retired psychiatrist with years of experience treating mental illnesses, but he is also an accomplished tennis player. He has been playing tennis since college and now, in his golden years, he has achieved a national ranking in singles in the 70 and over category. As a result of his passion for tennis, Marshall Hubsher has valuable advice to share for older adults who are interested in picking up the sport.

Getting Started: Find a Tennis Partner

One of the biggest challenges for older adults starting tennis is finding someone to play with. Having a partner with a similar skill level and playing style can make the experience more enjoyable and productive. Marshall Hubsher advises senior players to find a partner through a tennis club or community group. There are often groups available for older adults at local tennis facilities, and these groups can be a great way to meet new people and find a tennis partner.

Take it Slow: Start with the Basics

It is important to start slow when learning a new skill, especially for older adults who may have physical limitations. Tennis can be a demanding sport, and players should start with the basics to avoid injuries. Marshall Hubsher recommends taking lessons from a qualified tennis instructor to learn the proper technique and form. Instructors can also provide guidance on how to gradually increase the intensity and duration of the training. Starting with shorter sessions and gradually increasing the length and intensity can help prevent injuries and build endurance.

Invest in Proper Equipment

The right equipment can make a significant difference in a player’s performance and enjoyment of the sport. Marshall Hubsher advises older adults to invest in proper tennis shoes with good support and traction. In addition, tennis rackets and balls should be chosen based on the player’s skill level and needs. It may be beneficial to try out different rackets and balls before making a purchase.

Stay Safe: Warm Up and Stretch

Before starting a tennis match or practice session, it is essential to warm up and stretch. This can help prevent injuries and improve performance. Marshall Hubsher recommends starting with a few minutes of light cardio exercise to get the blood flowing. Afterward, stretching the muscles used in tennis, such as the shoulders, back, and legs, can help prevent strains and injuries.

Stay Consistent: Practice Regularly

To improve in any sport, including tennis, it is crucial to practice regularly. Marshall Hubsher suggests finding a consistent practice routine that works for the player’s schedule and sticking to it. Consistent practice can help build muscle memory and improve performance on the court.

Have Fun and Enjoy the Game

Lastly, tennis should be a fun and enjoyable activity for older adults. Marshall Hubsher emphasizes the importance of having fun and finding joy in playing tennis. Whether playing with a partner or in a league, tennis is an excellent way to stay active and socialize with others.


Tennis is a sport that can be enjoyed at any age, including in the golden years of retirement. Marshall Hubsher’s tips for starting tennis at an older age can help individuals find a tennis partner, take it slow, invest in proper equipment, stay safe, stay consistent, and most importantly, have fun. With patience, dedication, and a love for the game, older adults can develop their tennis skills and enjoy the sport for years to come. For more tips, follow Marshall Hubhser on Facebook.

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