Marshall Hubsher: A Tennis Aficionado’s Blueprint for Commencing at an Older Age

Marshall Hubsher, a retired psychiatrist with a wealth of experience in mental health, has seamlessly transitioned from treating patients to acing the tennis court. Having played tennis since his college days, Hubsher, now in his golden years, boasts a national ranking in singles in the 70 and over category. As a passionate tennis player, he shares invaluable insights for older adults eager to embark on their tennis journey.

Embarking on the Journey: Seek a Tennis Partner

For those venturing into tennis later in life, finding a compatible playing partner is often the initial hurdle. Hubsher recommends exploring tennis clubs or community groups tailored to older adults. These platforms not only facilitate social connections but also aid in discovering a tennis companion with a similar skill level and playing style.

Take it Slow: Commence with the Basics

Recognizing the potential physical limitations that come with age, Hubsher emphasizes the importance of a gradual start. Enlisting the guidance of a qualified tennis instructor for lessons on technique and form proves invaluable. These instructors can help tailor training intensity and duration, ensuring a progressive approach that minimizes the risk of injuries.

Invest in Proper Equipment

Hubsher underscores the significance of suitable equipment for an enhanced tennis experience. Recommending tennis shoes with adequate support and traction, he advises players to carefully choose rackets and balls based on their skill level. Trying out different options before making a purchase can make a substantial difference in comfort and performance.

Stay Safe: Warm Up and Stretch

Prior to any tennis activity, Marshall Hubsher stresses the importance of a thorough warm-up and stretching routine. A few minutes of light cardio exercise gets the blood flowing, followed by targeted stretches for muscles involved in tennis, such as the shoulders, back, and legs. This preparatory routine is crucial in preventing strains and injuries.

Stay Consistent: Practice Regularly

Consistency is key to improvement in any sport, and tennis is no exception. Hubsher recommends establishing a practice routine that aligns with an individual’s schedule and adhering to it. Regular practice not only enhances muscle memory but also contributes to improved on-court performance.

Have Fun and Enjoy the Game

Above all, Hubsher emphasizes the joyous aspect of playing tennis. Whether engaging in friendly matches with a partner or participating in a league, he underscores that tennis is not just about physical activity but also an avenue for socializing and fun.


Marshall Hubsher’s insights serve as a comprehensive guide for older adults venturing into tennis. By following his advice to find a tennis partner, start gradually, invest in proper equipment, prioritize safety, maintain consistency, and, most importantly, have fun, individuals can embark on a fulfilling journey of tennis enjoyment in their golden years. With Hubsher’s tips, patience, dedication, and a love for the game, older adults can cultivate their tennis skills and relish the sport for years to come. For additional tips, visit Marshall Hubsher’s website.

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